Department of EEE organized 5-Days Research Conclave on Power Electronics

Department of EEE organized 5-Days Research Conclave on Power Electronics using from 25th to 29th of January 2021, in two Session from 10 AM to 12 PM & 2 PM to 4PM for Research Scholars and faculty of all the engineering colleges.
This Research Conclave is to kindle the research minds towards innovation. It helps the design engineer to have a better understanding of the circuit operation and possible problems can be discovered in the early phase of the design process. This research Conclave also intends to provide an opportunity for young researchers in the field of Electrical Engineering for adoption and enhancement of recent advancements and Research in Power electronics .
Congratulations to Organizing team Dr.R.Mohan Das , Mr.Vinodkumar S,  Mr.S.Inbasakaran faculty of EEE.