The Department of EEE is organized an Online Alumni Talk “CAMPUS TO CORPORATE” on 10th February 2023, 2 pm to 4 pm by SAI RAGHURAM AMOGH. He is currently working as a workday developer at LOWE’S . His areas of interest include Cyber security, 3D printing and Tech evolution.
Topics covered:
- Why EEE
- Opportunities Electrical Engineers get in IT.
- Product companies & Service companies.
- Further education: Certifications or a Masters degree?
- Gaining Experience: Projects and Internships.
It was a very interesting presentation and ended with an interactive question and answer segment in which students got a better understanding of how to navigate through this multi-dimensional stream and harness it to their advantage. The students and teachers admired the presentation and congratulated him for the effort he put into it and took the time to present it.
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering planned this very educational and engaging seminar for the students under the guidance of Dr S SUJITHA, HOD of EEE and Dr GUNAPRIYA and DR VINOTH KUMAR K. The program concluded with Vote of Thanks by MEGHANA IK student of EEE by thanking the principal, HOD of EEE, staff coordinators and last but not the least the students of the