Faculty Development Programme
Department of EEE organized Five days Faculty Development Program: “Training on Endless Automation”
Date: 01-03-2021 To 05-03-2021
Time: :10:00 to 1:00
The program was inaugurated by Dr. Manjunath, Principal, NHCE, Dr. Mahesh M Co-director of IFCEEAE, and HoD EEE highlighted the importance and over view of the program.
The in-house faculty development program was intended to train the selected faculty from the Engineering departments such as Automobile, Civil, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Communication and Mechanical on Industrial Automation and Building Automation.
The program was scheduled in such a way that the basics and programming of the PLC was taught in first three days and the last two days were reserved for advanced techniques in automation such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Human Machine Interfacing, Building automation and Fire alarm systems.
This five days program gave an insights on importance and need of industrial automation and Building automation.
The program was successfully completed by validictory ceremony on 5th march 2021, by distributing participation certificates to the partcipants by Dr. Ganesh Prasad, Dean and HoD Mechanical Engineering and Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, HoD Electronics and Communication Engineering.
The five days Faculty Development Program helped the participants to know the importance of Industrial and Building Automation and motivated them to involved in the R&D initiatives in the same field.