Department of EEE organized “Guest Lecture on “Applications of Signal Processing”

Date: 11.12.2020 Time: 10.00 AM To: 12.00 PM The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, organized a Guest Lecture on “APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL PROCESSING” on 11th December 2020 through NHCE ZOOM online platform for around 115 V semester, EEE students. This guest lecture is a part of a curriculum named Signals And Systems 20EEE54 for the students. The expert Dr.Guruprasad , Assistant Professor from medical electronics engineering department, SSIT, Tumkur The session was interactive, interacted with experts for clarifying all their doubts. Session provided a platform for students to express their ideas, clarify doubts and gain knowledge on image processing applications and which gives practical approach to their course and which motivated the students in many aspects.