Distinguished Lecture Program on “Long-horizon finite control set model predictive control: theory, implementation and applications”

Date: 16/03/2022
Time: 6 PM – 8 PM
The IEEE PELS NHCE Student Branch Chapter from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru is organized the Distinguished Lecture Program on “Long-horizon finite control set model predictive control: theory, implementation and applications” on 16th March 2022, Wednesday from 06.00 PM to 08.00 PM in association with IEEE PELS Bangalore Chapter. Dr. Tobias Geyer, ABB Medium – Voltage Drives, Switzerland and Stellenbosch University, South Africa acted as a resource person. The outcome of the programme is to bring the researchers and academic experts from reputed institutes of our country to a collective gathering for exchanging and sharing the knowledge about the recent developments and research challenges in model predictive control in power electronics: a critical review and recent industrial products. This lecture provides an introduction to finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC), which is very popular in academia. Although only a one-step horizon is usually used, FCS-MPC performs particularly well when adopting long prediction horizons. To solve the underlying integer optimization problem, a tailored branch-and-bound method will be presented, which can be implemented on an FPGA with real-time guarantees. Application examples will be discussed, including converters with LC filters, which necessitate the use of long horizons. The lecture concludes with a critical assessment of FCS-MPC that identifies some of the obstacles to be addressed to make FCS-MPC a success not only in academia but also in industry. The entire session is very informative and enthusiastic manner in the area of power electronics industry. The eminent expert from the ABB Medium – Voltage Drives, Switzerland and Stellenbosch University, South Africa delivered the lecture and his talk has been very well received by the 144 participants. Congratulations to Event Coordinator Dr. Vinoth Kumar K, Associate Professor, Department of EEE, NHCE & IEEE PELS NHCE SBC Advisor successfully organised this event.
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