EEE department students U-Create club: Logo – design competition winner, Ms. Rachna Palli from 2ndYear-EEE

Department has initiated a new student club called “U – Create”. To stimulate lateral thinking, inculcate
creative and innovative thoughts among the young budding engineers for the enhancement of society.
As the club is a new initiative from the department. The club needed a logo, to exemplify the club objective.
In this regard, a Logo Design competition was scheduled for a week between 11th to 16th January 2021. Winner
prize amount of 500 rupees.
The participants of the Logo Design Competition are listed below
1) Ms. Sanskriti Agarwalla
2) Ms. Likitha J
3) Mr. Ashu Anand
4) Mr. Hemanth GN
5) Ms. Harshitha R
6) Ms. Rachna Palli
7) Mr. Abhisek Bedant
The department shortlisted the winner as Ms. Rachna Palli from 2nd Year EEE. The prize amount Rs. 500/- was handed over to the winner on 19th January 2021 by Dr. M. Mahesh, HoD, Dept of EEE.
On behalf of the U-Create Club, The faculty Coordinators Dr. A. Singaravelan and Mr. Mohan BS thank all teaching staff, club members, and participants for making this event a grand success.