Expert Lecture on “Role of Graphical Programming Language in Industrial Automation”

Date: 09-06-2021 12:00-13:30
The Department of EEE, New Horizon College of Engineering organised an Expert Lecture on “Role of Graphical Programming Language in Industrial Automation” in association with Danfoss Industries Pvt Ltd, Chennai on 09th June 2021, will defined the concept of research trends of automation in industry. Mr. V.K Arun Shankar, Testing Engineer, Danfoss Drives Segment – R&D (SW), Sriperumbudur served as resource person for an Expert Lecture and delivered a speech on Graphical Programming Language interconnections with synchronous motors and generators is available with a wide range of industrial applications. He also mentioned that electric motors have become an integral part of industrial production and convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, enabling industrial machines to perform the tasks assigned to them by using graphical programming language. The programme covered the following important aspects namely applications of industrial automation in Danfoss. The eminent expert from Industry delivered the lecture and his talk has been very well received by the participants. 90 students and three faculty members from NHCE are participated in the expert lecture programme.