International Webinar on “Controlling Megawatts with Power Electronics

Date: 11.06.2021 to 11.06.2021 Time: 17.00 PM to 18.30 PM The Department of EEE, New Horizon College of Engineering organised an International Webinar on “Controlling Megawatts with Power Electronics”  in association with IEEE PELS NHCE Student Branch Chapter on 11th June 2021, will defined the concept of research trends of automation in industry. Dr. Tobias Geyer, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland, and Stellenbosch University, South Africa served as resource person for an international webinar and delivered a speech on high power converters in the megawatt range link large wind turbines with the grid, help transfer electrical power over long distances and drive large motors. To operate these converters reliably and efficiently, intelligent control algorithms are required. Particularly model predictive control is promising, because it maximizes the performance potential of such converters. This talk provides an introduction to high power electronics reviews its control challenges and proposes model predictive control methods to address them. For large electric machines, as used in wind turbines, these control methods increase the converter power and their availability. For HVDC-connected offshore wind farms, intelligent control is required to ensure reliable operation of the converter-based power grid.  The eminent expert from Industry delivered the lecture and his talk has been very well received by the27 Faculties, 6 Research Scholar, 153 Students participants are benefitted.