“Jeopardy”, Trivia and quiz game show

Date: 21/10/2021
Beneficiary: Students of all semesters (Multidisciplinary)
Faculty coordinator: Dr. Dhivya, Associate professor,ECE dept NHCE
Dr. K C R Nisha, Professor, ECE dept. NHCE

“Leveraging Technology for a better tomorrow” is the theme for this year’s IEEE Day. While the world benifits from what’s new, IEEE focuses on what’s next.
Communities join together to collaborate on ideas that IEEE Day team is to initiate, motivate, and coordinate events and efforts to celebrate this day worldwide.
We , WIE and IEEE, NHCE organised the quiz competition “Jeopardy” for everyone to join in and celebrate IEEE Day.
It consisted of 3 rounds. 30 teams participated out of which 3 teams won based on their scores in all the three round.