‘Soft Vidya’- Online Training Sessions on different Software tools for Electrical and Electronics Engineering applications

The sessions were handled by Dr. Vitnothkumar, Dr.Gunapriya, Dr.Singaravelan, Dr. Prabhakaran Ms.Anitha A and Ms.Deepa V B on various software tools from 11November 2020 to 16th December 2020 two days a week. The event was organized by Ms. Deepa V Bolanavarand Dr. Vinoth Kumar S under E-Soft club and coordinated by following student members of the club.
Md. Sagar Khan-Vice President, Ashwini L B-Treasurer
Md. Numan Bhat-Core Member, Sarthak Das-Core Member
Prajwal- Core Member, Utkarsh K A- Core Member
The event was successfully completed with address by HoD Dr. Mahesh M and vote of thanks by Ms.Deepa V B