Faculty Development Programme

Department of EEE Organized 5 days AICTE Sponsored ATAL Faculty development Programme “Implementation of Industry 4.0 and its Challenges” (Online Mode)

The rise of digital industry technology, known as industry 4.0 has transformed the machines and IT systems that are connected in the Value Chain. The objective of the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) is to provide Industry 4.0 Concepts which revolutionize the boundaries between virtual reality and real world

  • Schedule: 05.07.2021 to 09.07.2021


  • Session-1 : 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM (IST)
  • Session-2: 11.30 AM to 1.30 PM (IST)
  • Session-3: 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM (IST)