Expert Talk on Design Thinking: Human-Centred Approach to innovation


National Level Workshop on Design Thinking: Human-Centred Approach to innovation


Electrical and Electronics Engineering





11:00 AM

01:00 PM

Brief Description


Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr Sujitha S, Professor, EEE Department, NHCE

On January 11, 2024, the IEEE PELS NHCE SBC organized a special talk at Tejas Seminar Hall on Workshop titled ” Human-Centred Approach to innovation” in association with IEEE PELS Bangalore Section Chapter. The speaker is Dr. Chinnu Nallathambi, Founder of Brain Alchemy Technology Co-Founder of Brain Magic Academy and a WHO-endorsed Life Skill Trainer. Mr. Nallathambi passionately discussed how understanding and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind can be directly linked to fostering innovation. He explained how our subconscious mind, often operating beneath our conscious awareness, plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, ideas, and problem-solving abilities. By exploring the depths of the subconscious, attendees gained insights into how it can be a wellspring of creativity and innovation. The absence of traditional slides made the session engaging, encouraging students to share their thoughts openly. Mr. Nallathambi’s message was clear – everyone has incredible abilities within them. The talk wasn’t just a lecture; it was an exciting journey into the power of human potential and the importance of a supportive learning environment. In the end, students left inspired, ready to embrace their own abilities, and face challenges with a positive and adaptable mindset. The event showcased the Innovation Club’s dedication to promoting a dynamic learning culture, making it a memorable and impactful experience for all. The eminent expert from the industry delivered the lecture and his talk has been very well received by the 82 participants.